Select Care Services will deliver a bespoke one-to-one care package promoting independence & choice. Select Care Services employs caring, compassionate and friendly care staff to meet the needs of our clients. All staff have an Enhanced DBS check and are fully insured. All staff complete a comprehensive Induction Training Programme, partake in shadowing, receive excellent ongoing management support including further regular training as part of their Continuing Professional Development.
Examples of training received include:
o Duty of Care
o Equality & Diversity
o Person Centred Care
o Communication
o Personal Development
o Privacy & Dignity
o Fluids & Nutrition
o Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia, Alzheimer’s & Learning Disabilities
o Safeguarding
o Life Support
o Health & Safety
o Moving & Handling
o Infection Control
o Medication
o Record Keeping
All our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet your individual needs.
A care support plan is designed to ensure an individual’s needs and desired outcomes are met.
We offer both single calls & double-up calls. Staff are trained in the various Moving & Handling Equipment, such as, Hoist, Slings, Rotunda, Slide Sheets & other specialist equipment.